Cos Cob Fire Police Patrol

Firehouse Call Manager, Training Center & Reporting Web Application

Our Firehouse Management Software was designed to replace an aging system for the Cos Cob Fire and Police Patrol. This intuitive system tracks all calls coming into the firehouse. In addition to call management it acts a directory for Responders, tracking total call hours, training requirements and administrative management. With Google Maps integration built in, the system can calculate milage on trucks going to and from calls and manage engine supply levels.

The software produces monthly reports which include detailed incident reports, annual statistics, alarm comparisons and individual responder management reports.


  • Call log for all requests into the department
  • Tracking of Responders to a call
  • Geolocation and route mapping for calls
  • Responder training platform
  • Fire truck inventory management 
  • Incident reports
  • Analytics for alarm comparisons 
  • Responder management reports
  • Dashboard analytics
Deliverables:Cloud Based Application
Technology:Angular| Javascript

The Cos Cob Fire Police Patrol, Inc is a volunteer company which operates under the structure of the Greenwich Fire Department in the Town of Greenwich, Connecticut. The company conducts traffic operations, scene control, salvage, lighting, and other support functions for the fire department at calls for service. The Patrol is under the command of its own Chief.